Sunday, January 6, 2008

Quick Update...finally!

Christmas is so over. I consider Christmas to be like a food addiction, you know how you get fixated on a certain food and eat it everyday until you get so sick of you can't even look at it anymore. Yep, that's Christmas for me. While walking today I noticed some people have failed to take down their Christmas lights and decorations; I was borderline offended. Seriously it is time to move on.

So with the New Year comes resolutions. Some of mine include:

1.) new bedtime=midnight
2.) more positive, optimistic
3.) no nagging Zac
4.) something nice for someone each day

I know these are probably things most of you have already mastered at this point in your lives, but I am a little slow with some things. Thank goodness for new years and fresh starts.

Our break was spent in Utah until the 29th and on to California until the 2nd. Some fun things we did were:

1.) went skiing in Park City
2.) saw "I Am Legend"- creeeeepy!!
3.) skate-skiing
4.) lots of games, Scattergories, Sequence, Clue...
5.) Comedy Sports
6.) Rose Parade
7.) Warnick "American Idol" party
8.) & lots of good quality time with family and friends

We are back in Arizona and I am already excited for the next vacation. I am not sure when or what it will be, but I am excited.

I have twelve minutes to be asleep and I still have to wash my face, brush my teeth, say my prayers and whatever else I do that takes me forever to finally get in bed. Gotta go!


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Your Christmas sounded great. I think I need to work on your New Years resolutions. Those are some great ones.

Mands Glenn said...

Sounded like you guys had a blast. I love your New Years Goals. I still need to make a list. Okay, so I was totally trying to figure out when the next vacation is too. I can't wait for whenever it is. Lets settle for Sonic nights on Tues. Is that still going on?

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky, i read you worked at the cheesecake factory. I heard the menu tests are hard, but you can make money. How much do you actually make full time per week and what questions do they ask on the menu test? Thanks a bunch!

S.A.S. said...

Bex, your resolutions are great! I especially admire the go to bed earlier one. I think I'll add that to mine (though midnight might be a little strong). So let's do this in March - my email had the dates I would be coming - the 'weekend' could be the 28th - the 30th. I'll call you! I just always think to call to early, like now (it's 6:29am your time!)

Sarah said...

It was so much fun hanging out with you and Zac while you were down here. Can't wait until you come back in Feb. Do you have any pictures of your Christmas in Utah?

Missy said...

Seriously, what takes SO long to get ready for bed?

Love the update Beck. So glad you had a good time, though we'd better see each other in Feb. And are you coming in March?? Two months in a row?

Criscell said...

Becky! Caleb and I (FINALLY, after much begging and pleading on my part!) went on a date tonight and I chose Cheesecake Factory hoping maybe I'd see you! I forgot that you usually only work lunches, though. Oh well--another time. We were going to go see "I am Legend" but we had to get back to pick up Caysja. So how did you like it? Too creepy? I don't really like scary movies but Caleb really likes Will Smith...