Monday, April 28, 2008

The Bethanator

One of my best friends, Beth came out to visit this past week. It was so fun to see her.

Here is the cake I made for Beth's visit to Arizona. I hope this is a more pleasant picture to look at than the rattlesnake. I have always called her "The Bethonator" for no real reason at all other than it just stuck one day.

Of course we had to make a trip to the mall. We made two trips actually. Beth is a great mall buddy because she never pressures me to hurry and make any rash decisions. She is good at entertaining herself while I take my dandy time.

Yahtzee is one of our favorite games we use to play when we were roommates back in the day at BYU. No one can play Yahtzee for as long as we can with out getting bored. The tissue in Beth's nose is because she had a cold and her nose was dripping nonstop.

I look a little annoyed because I am annoyed. I had lost eight games out of nine. I always win when Zac and I play, so I wasn't use to so many upsets. The saddest part about it is that I was seriously getting frustrated.

The few days she was here were so fun. I love having friends come to visit. Thanks Beth for coming to hang out with me.


Bethany said...

Thanks for calling last night - it was good to talk to you. And thank you for changing the snake picture!!!

Sarah said...

I really need to come visit you just to see what cake you would make for me! That is such a fun tradition! I guess I would come to hang out with you as well! It sounds like you guys had a fun weekend- I can't wait to hang out when you come down here.

S Semon said...

You have more friends visit you down here than anyone I have ever met! You are very popular! I guess you must have rich friends who can buy plane tickets---all my friends are as poor as we are!!

Frei Family said...

It looks like you guys had so much... i love that you are such good friends with your roommates, i need to come over and help you hang your board.. we shouls go to walmart and get some picture frames... maybe next week after we move???

Criscell said...

I'm soooo jealous Becky! You have more friends come visit you than anyone I know--that's because you ARE such a good friend. Lucky!

Mands Glenn said...

Fun Fun Fun! Your hair looks fabulous by the way and you look so tan. I wish old friend would come and visit. Maybe we need to do a small party for the boys after school gets out. Pool-BBQ type thing maybe?? I'm so ready for them to be done. I'm dying

ashley said...

i seriously don't play games if i can't win at least half, i am such a bugger!
looks like you guys had a fun time!

Tranchell Family said...

thanks for the invite to your blog! I had a ton of fun at our girls night out for Cadi's birthday and think I should be something we do often!