So my dear friends threw an amazing shower for me last Saturday. It was so much fun. It was kind of like my wedding reception where all the attention was on me. The decorations were out of control and I have Cadi, my party planner friend, and her "committee" to thank for that. It was so sweet to walk in and be surprised by all the hard work and planning that went into this shower. I want to thank everyone who came and for your generosity. The coordinating outfits I received are amazing. I am so excited to dress my babies everyday. I am already thinking about how they will look in all these adorable clothes. I am getting anxious for them to get here so I can finally meet them. However, they are probably a lot easier to take care of in my belly than they will be once they're born. The reality that we are having twins is finally starting to set in as my stomach rapidly expands and I feel two babies kicking and twirling around. It's sort of freaking me out to think they'll be here before I know it. I feel so unprepared and inadequate to be a mother. Are these normal feelings for first time moms? Anyways, here are some pictures my sister diligently took through out the shower. I am sorry I am literally in everyone of them. Brace yourself for a lot of me.
Here are 4 of my sisters and my mom. My sisters originally weren't going to be able to make it for the shower since they all live in California. I was so sad about it and then on Friday night they surprised me by showing up to dinner. I was freaking out because I was not expecting them at all. It meant so much to me that they would drive 5 plus hours just because I wanted them to be there so bad. I will never forget it girls. I love you all so much.

Here are the two hosts of the party. Cindi, on my right was in charge of the food. She made awesome BBQ pulled pork and decadent Martha Stewart Chocolate cupcakes with green and pink frosting. Cadi was the decorator and master mind of the pink, green and black theme. As always she outdid herself. Thank you both for making me feel so loved.

Here are from left to right Amanda, Kristi, and Criscell. I call them my school friends, even though none of us are actually in school, all of our husbands are. I rarely get to see them anymore and it meant so much to me that they came.

Here is a shot of the crowd.

Here we are playing a super fun candy game. I won three candy bars, two of which I'd never had before, but are now new favorites, Zero bars and FastBreaks. So delightful!

Here is just one of the cute things the decorating committee put together. They also made a really cute diaper cake.

My sister Carli and I taking a picture with the new giraffe noise maker she gave me.

Here I am at 28.5 weeks. I know I look full term. The other day some random lady in the store asked me if I was past due. Who does that? I just have to keep telling myself there are two healthy babies in there. I am so glad they are growing well and are still measuring ahead of schedule. We're hoping to get to about 36-38 weeks which will make me due sometime between the middle and the end of June. I'm hoping before the 4th of July because I have like an entire red, white and blue wardrobe for each baby.

Well there's a glimpse of the shower for those who couldn't make it. We missed you Liz, but so excited for you. I guess having a baby of your own is an ok excuse to not be there. Thanks again to everyone for your excitement and support for us!!