Sunday, August 17, 2008

2 Week Countdown!!

I sort of have a pit in my stomach when I think about the fact that my sweet husband has to start school in two weeks.  Just remembering what he went through last year, with all the exams, long lectures. all-nighters and STRESS!!  YUCK!  At least he only has one more year of classwork and then he can start his rotations.  He has been so sweet to stay home with me everyday, catering to all my needs.  I can't believe how patient he has been.  He will do anything for me.  He is a great nurturer.  He sets a good example for me since I am not the most sensitive person in the world.  He is willing to rub my back, sing to me, massage my feet with lotion and let me watch anything I want on TV.  I own the remote control these days and it's awesome.  Anyways, the bottom line is I am going to go through major withdraws when he is gone all day long again.  I am going to miss him so much.  I guess all I can do now is soak up the last two weeks of being spoiled by my lover.  

Thursday, August 7, 2008

One Week

It's been a full week and we're still home.  We count our blessings everyday we don't have to go back to the hospital.  We had a little scare last Sunday, but fortunately ended up not having to go into the ER.  Other than being home, not  much is going on.  That is pretty much all I do these days, stay home.  I sleep in until about 11:00 am, sometimes shower, take lots of naps, try to eat and then go to bed at about 8:00 pm.  I've never been one to require that much sleep so this is a little strange for me.  I figure the more time I am asleep the less time I feel miserable.  I can't believe how long it takes to recover from surgery.  I  guess just being in the hospital for a month kind of disconnected me from reality.  

I sort of feel like all I talk about is all my problems so I am going to make a list of things that I am grateful for and that make me happy right now.  Cheesy, I know but here it goes:

1.  My own bed with my own pillow, sheets and blanket.
2.  Air conditioning
3.  My PATIENT husband
4.  The gospel of course
5.  I never thought I'd say this... Oprah 
6.  Ice water
7.  Heating pads
8.  Pain medicine
9.  The internet
10.  Good friends
11.  Ummm. that's all for now

Friday, August 1, 2008

We're Home!!!

Here is the board that we would write my goals on, my nurse's name, the date and the doctor on call.  Pretty exciting stuff!
I had too many sweet friends concerned for me as this picture shows my struggle with carrying on two conversations at one time.  Not an easy task.
                  This is the face I would make when the pain would start getting worse.
My sweet mom came twice to visit and just be there for moral support.  My mother-in-law also came for a while.  They will never know how much that meant to me.
          Here is a picture with my two friends Criscell and Alyssa and their cute little girls.
I thought I'd prepare anyone who may come for a visit so they know what to expect.  I look really bad, actually a lot worse than I feel thankfully.

According to Zac our summer vacation has finally begun.  It is 10:30 in the morning and we are already on our second LMN movie for the day.  We are just hanging out on our living room.  Zac is eating peanut M&M's and feels totally justified staying in his pajama's all day.  He has been so sweet catering to all my needs, cleaning out my throw up bins, getting me food, monitoring my feeding tube and anything else I can think to ask him.  We got home from the hospital yesterday afternoon, ordered a pizza and cherished our freedom of our own couch and TV.  We just pray we don't end up back there for a long time.  I slept so well last night, in my own bed.  It's amazing how much you appreciate the little things when they are taken away from you for a little while.  

Thank you to all our friends and family for being so supportive through this whole adventure.  We would have never made it through with out all your phone calls and visits.  We feel so blessed to have so many close loved ones nearby.  We are here now in our cozy apartment and welcome any visitors.