Thursday, April 17, 2008

Consider it a friendly gesture...

Day hike gone bad!!

About a week ago I had an afternoon off and debated what I wanted to do with my day. I've been wanting to hike this little mountain near our home for a while, but never do because I am too afraid to do it alone. You see I have this intense fear of snakes. I think my mom passed it on to me, but even seeing them at the zoo makes me cringe. The thought of running into one horrifies me. After much contemplation including phone calls to other friends who hike alone and my husband's reassurance that I will be fine, I decide to go. I am going to conquer my fear at last. As I am driving to the site of where my destiny awaits me I am feeling a bit uneasy. Thoughts are rapidly flooding my head with worst-case scenarios. As I arrive I notice there are not mnay hikers out, granted it is Thursday about noon. I say a little prayer that I will be safe and not have any snake encounters and head up the mountain. I decide to listen to my IPOD, quietly so I can still hear any rattlesnakes within a ten-foot radius. About fifteen minutes into my hike, low and behold, there is a sprawled out rattler across my path. I came about six inches from stepping on it. Just as I stepped close to it I heard the rattle and the tale kind of did a little swivel thing. From what I saw, the snake was about twoa nd half feet and two inched apart, but that was only part of the body. I din't see the head, darn!
I remember Zac telling me, "If you do see a snake, which you won't, just back up slowly and go the other way." Luckily I remember this wise counsel and I start to creep back a few steps before I book it down the hill as fast as I can. I wet my pants and rolled both ankles a couple of times, but I made it down alive. I was praying out loud that I would not run into another predator and that the one I just interrupted would forgive me.
When I called Zac to tell him the news, he didn't believe me. I've cried wolf so many times in our marriage that he thought I was just kidding with him. After much convincing and nearly yelling to get him to believe me, what does he do? He laughs, and laughs, and laughs. He thought it was hilarious and said, "Well consider it a friendly gesture of the snake to warn you that he was there."
What did I learn that day? Don't listen to your husband when it comes to overcoming fears. I should listen to my gut feelings and they were telling me the whole time not to go.

Oh yeah, since this experience I swear I've seen a hundred snakes in the road while driving, walking and I even thought I heard one under my bed.

Unfortunately the news on TV is a little too late because in the past couple of days I have seen three reports of people getting bit by rattlesnakes here in Arizona. They say it is snake season. That would have been nice to know a week ago.


Wendy said...

First of all, the picture is disgusting. I hate looking at snakes!!! Second, you should have mom check your blog while your on the phone and listen to her scream! haha... that would be funny. Even though I've heard the story before it still makes me laugh. I'm happy that you were safe. Be careful outside this summer!!!

Rachel and Todd said...

I am extremely terrified of snakes, too!! Yuck!! They are frightening. I am sorry you had to be so close to a wild one, but I'm glad you made it down the mtn. safely. If I were in your shoes I would have wet my pants, too. :) Be safe Becky!

Criscell said...

SOOOO scary, Becky!!! Glad you were okay!! Ugh!

Sarah said...

Seriously, please stop hiking by yourself. I would worry about getting raped or something more than getting bit by a snake. I'm glad that you were okay and that you heard the rattle before you stepped on it.

ashley said...

you never came to my house and played with my snake while we were growing up? glad you didn't get bit!

S.A.S. said...

BECKY! That was close!! I'm glad you're ok and made it without any kind of friendly exchange with the rattler. Snake season? Ugh. Who knew there was snake season?

Funnily enough I ran into my first rattler in La Jolla just before I saw you and Missy. A baby one - sprawled out in the path... what happened to little things being scared of things that are bigger?

Be careful. And I'm sorry Zac laughed, but it IS a little funny/ironic.

Our Family said...

Alissa Here-

I have the same fear. I hate snakes. Thanks for putting a picture of one on your blog! Glad your okay and trust me I'll remember the good advice you gave to never liste to my husband. (JK)

Lillie said...

Oh my gosh Becky that was hilarious! Horrible and frightening I'm sure, but the part where you wet your pants and roll your ankle a couple of times... just writing it I had to laugh again, I TOTALLY have a visual. That does sound horrific. SOOO glad you're ok.

Missy said...

Get out! Did you really wet your pants? I'm still a little freaked out for you. Becky, I wish you would have called me to see b/c Devin always tells me to never go on paths during the warm, summer months - it is what rattlesnacks love the most! They love the heat from the ground and sunshine. Oh dear. Please don't ever do that again.

Criscell said...

Becky, I just wanted to thank you once again for the DELICIOUS cake you gave me!!! YUM, YUM! What a sweet friend you are! Hope you had a good time visiting with your friend this past week.

Jlowryjr said...

Funny story.

Hamar Times said...

Oh, Becky! I haven't laughed so hard in a while. Did you really wet your pants? Glad you survived the encounter.