Sunday, May 11, 2008

Dog Attack

Believe it or not, but I was attacked by a dog tonight. I decided to go on a nice leisurely walk around my neighborhood after work since I don't do hikes anymore due to my rattlesnake encounter. I thought there could be no harm or danger involved so long as I stay on the well-travelled sidewalk. WRONG!!!

I was about two minutes from home when I approach a young couple walking their two dogs. They happen to be my neighbors across the stairwell in fact. Let me preface this story by first tellig you they are the kind of people who treat their dogs like they are their own children. They walk them like fifty times a day, for all I know they cook them steaks for dinner and bath them daily. They really are a little nutty about their dogs. Sorry, just a small side note.

Anyways, as I am passing this couple walking their "children", one dog decides to get furocious and jumps up at me. It gets a piece of my arm and bites down in one quick swoop. "Did this really just happen to me?" I ask. "Do dogs on leashes really just jump up and bite an innocent walker's arm totally unprovoked?" Apparantly they do. I was a little in shock, especially when I looked down at my arm and saw the battle wounds. There was blood. This stupid dog broke the skin. My first words to the dog's owner were, "I can't get rabies right now, I am trying to get pregnant. Does your dog have rabies?" It just came out and I didn't really have time to think how lame that sounded. She reassured me the dogs were vaccinated and had nothing to worry about.

I quickly called Zac, sobbing at this point, and told him what happened. Lets just say I may have over-reacted a little according to some people, but I was a little startled and shocked all at the same time. We ended up calling animal control to have them investigate the scene. Was this dog really vaccinated for rabies or were they just telling us so we didn't worry? We shall find out within ten days. The animal control is going to perform a ten day quarantine to evaluate the dogs behavior and test him for rabies. Chances are I am rabie-free, but who knows, how many people run into rattlesnakes hiking? I seem to be having bad luck with animals these days.

Deep down inside I think this dog attack had something to do with the way I may have treated some of my childhood dogs growing up. Call it what you want, but I didn't really love petting my dogs, touching them, sometimes feeding them, walking them or bathing them. Ironic thing is the dog that bit me tonight was a cocker spaniel and that was the first kind of dog I ended up giving away because I neglected it so bad. I put a curse on myself I'm afraid.

Ok, so this photo probably shows off my hairy arms more than the actual bite marks, but I thought you might appreciate a visual. I know, I know, it doesn't really look like anything, but it is, and it really hurt. So my much anticipated relaxing night of reading a book on the couch turned into one filled with filling out a dog attack report and worrying I might have rabies. Ay-ay-ay-ay!


Frei Family said...

I am so sorry!! Carlie said you got attacked by a dog!! I cant believe it is a cocker, my family had a full-bread cocker when i was younger and it just attacked once with out any harm caused to it.. luckily no one got hurt but at the time my brother was only four and so the vet said that cocker spaniels are prone to attacking for no reason at all.So my mom had it but to sleep. She was the nicest dog and i think we are a pretty nice family, but for some reason there nature is a little ferociuos, maybe they are protective or something?? I am glad you are okay, let me know about the rabies thing... Thanks for the calling the other night!! That was so nice of you! I heard some good news about you, Good Luck!!!

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Oh my gosh! That is why I will not have a dog with small children. Even the "best" dogs will snap at sometime. I am so sorry!

S Semon said...

Hey Beck-
Your luck is a funny thing sometimes. I really hope you don't have rabies! I am not a big dog person either. We were at my boss's house last night for a party and they have a huge dog and someone said I didn't like dogs. I said, I can't really see how people get attached to animals. My boss's husband stared me down and said, I don't see how people can't get attached to dogs--all while glaring at me. It was kind of funny!

Criscell said...

So last night around 2am, Caleb FINALLY comes home from studying with Isac and your husband, and in my half- awake/half-asleep state, Caleb goes, "Becky got bit by a dog!" I was like, "What in the world?!" Anyway, I am SOOO sorry, Becky! You ARE having bad luck with animals these days! Hope everything turns out okay! Keep me posted! It was so fun to talk to you the other night.

ashley said...

ok, i know this was trajic but i laughed so hard at this post, and the fact that the first thing to come out of your mouth was the rabies question.
hope you are alright, and sorry again for laughing, it was funny!

Missy said...

What?!?!! This is the most random thing ever. Did the dog just jump up on you b/c cockers are fairly small. And are the owners mad at you for qurantining their dog? How did you know to call animal control?

Honestly though, this is two strikes against cockers in my book. My grandparents cocker bit my finger when I was 16 and broke the skin too. It's freaky and makes you afraid of dogs. I'm sort of with you on this one, especially rabies. Just stay indoors Becky. Nothing is safe for you these days;)

Sarah said...

That really is so random- I'm sorry that it happened to you, but I'm glad that you are okay. Hopefully you don't have rabies- that really wouldn't be good right now.

Carlie and Ryan Skinner said...

i'm sorry about the dog bite too! when ryan told me, I thought it was like a rot wyler (don't know how to pronounce or spell) and that you were on your way to the ER. thats what happens when you hear through the grapevine i guess. please don't go to the zoo anytime soon. you can't afford it with your bad luck with animals right now.

Mands Glenn said...

I'm just annoyed by the owners of the dog. Have a bit more control of your dog, eh? So sorry to hear about the scary dog bite incident. yucky! Okay, it's been way too long since we have seen you guys. The season finale of the OFFICE is on Thurs and we still haven't had you guys over.

Okay, this is so random, but I have to ask. My little sister has this really cute intern working at her store in Scottsdale and she is single and so cute. I was totally thinking about Isacc. I don't really know him that well, but he seems like a great guy. Would he ever go on a blinde date. Shes a gorgeous tall blonde! Just like yourself. I don't have any of his info. or if he is even here this summer. She is only going to be here for another 2 weeks. Email me or call me and let me know what you think and maybe we can be matchmakers!