Monday, April 5, 2010

26 weeks!!

So here I am at 26 weeks.  I feel more and more pregnant everyday.  As far as my swelling is concerned I have an appointment on Thursday and am praying they don't put me on bed rest.  I have been wearing compression stockings and elevating them, but as soon as I stand up they swell again.  Frustrating.  Thanks for all the sympathy and phone calls.  Oh, and thanks to my sister Sarah who thought I posted someone else's foot off the internet as an April Fool's joke.  Oh how I wish it were a joke.


Chalece said...

You are way cute pregnant. And very tiny still.

Brett and Rachel said...

Becky you are looking so dang cute lately! I was just telling Brett that the other day, when you posted a pic of your foot. We couldn't believe that could actually be from your tiny body! So I can totally get where your sis was coming from. So funny! But no worries. Every other part of you looks AMAZING!

Jennie said...

Love the bump!

Rachel and Todd said...

Nice. You look great with a baby bump! Although your ankles looked pretty sad, your face doesn't! Your face isn't swollen at all (and you look happy)!! That's definitely a plus because you can't hide your face but you can hide your ankles.

Heather said...

So glad you're getting your legs checked! You poor thing! My friend is on bed rest for the next two months of her pregnancy. She has to lay flat on her back 'til delivery day. Hope you don't have to do that, but whatever it takes! Good luck Becky. Your belly is so cute and you look very happy ;).

Criscell said...

Are you SURE you're pregnant with twins--you are so tiny!! I'm so sorry about your swelling though. That's no fun at all. We've got to hang out once more before we move in 7 weeks!!

Jason and Mackenzie said...

Becky I can't believe that is your foot. I had bad swelling with my pregnancy, but I don't think it was quite that bad...however, at least you don't have the swelling all over like I did. My brother said that I looked polynesian with the way my nose swelled (no offense to polynesians). The only thing that kind of helped was drinking like a gallon of water a day and walking a mile first thing in the morning. Even then it just kind of delayed it a little and then I was a balloon at the end of the day. My hands went numb and I could barely bend my legs. I feel the same way that you do though...what a blessing to just be able to get pregnant and hold on to those precious babies. Good luck!

Lillie said...

OH! You look so darling. And I cannot believe your foot below! That cannot feel good. Hang in there--- I cannot wait to see those babies!

Lillie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lillie said...

oops- sorry about the repeat. :)