Sunday, September 16, 2007


I am in California now until Thursday. I bailed on my hubby and let him have some peace and quiet to study. It was sad to leave him behind, but it will probably make it easier to study with out me demanding his attention. He is so supportive of me visiting my family whenever I want to. He knows that I have so much fun hanging out with my sisters and mom and am so happy when I get back. He always surprises me with the sweetest homecoming whenever we reunite. I sometimes just like to leave so I can come back to a fun treat. He always remembers how lucky he is to have me there to heat him up corn dogs and kiss him good night(that is pretty much all I do for the poor guy.) That is one thing I love about him so much, he is so low maintenance and never expects anything. Fortunately he and I are both pretty independent so we do OK apart for a few days. Anyhow, I am so excited for this week.

So far on the agenda I have:

-a date with Carli to McDonald's, bowling and Coldstone
-a reunion with my longtime best friend Missy
-a dentist appointment
-hair appointment
-a run with Holly
-shopping trip to H&M
-Happy Nails
-girl's lunch (sisters and mom)
-a visit to the Crab Cooker & Golden Spoon

I think I have a full week ahead. If only Zac were here to enjoy it all with me.


Holly said...

Lucky! I forget what part of Cali you are from because Jason is from there as well. Anyway, since I don't have your email, just thought I'd tell you that unfortunately, you will have to celebrate the season premiere of The Office next week without me. I'm so sad to leave you, since I've been looking forward to this day for 2 weeks now. But we'll actually be in Cali that weekend too. So, enjoy the first one, and we'll have our little bon bon party the next week! I'm still planning on it!!!

Missy said...

So, so excited.

Jennie said...

How fun! Poor Zack, we should invite him over for some corn dogs! :) Hope you have fun! I love shopping at H&M...although I haven't shopped there since 2000, when I lived in Austria. Jealous that you get to enjoy cooler weather!

Sarah said...

I'm a little hurt that you didn't include on your agenda going to my appointment and seeing my ultrasound today! You know it was the highlight of your trip!

So fun to have you down!

S.A.S. said...

Becky, the Cali trip sounds like just the thing for a med student's widow. What a great time you must be having! I would love to be there with you and Missy, getting pedicures and bowling with your sister. Lillie and I talked about getting the 4 of us together for a girls weekend real soon (like what you and I have talked about), so let's chat.

Come back safe, with that Becky golden tan (sunblocked of course), and ready to spoil Zack, who will have surely missed you like crazy.