Saturday, September 22, 2007

Welcome Home to me

My vacation was perferct. It was not too long and not too quick. I got to see old time friends like Missy, Jaymie and Mandi. I instantly felt like I was back in high school again and kind of liked it. There is something about just being with the girlfriends you grew up with, you just can be completely yourself and no one cares. You love each other for who you are, blemishes and all. Missy and I enjoyed a delicious Golden Spoon visit while reminissing about the days when we were losers at Capo Valley, We use to eat our snack together outside of the bathrooms and when she was absent I was an official loner looking for things to take up my time, hoping no one would notice my only friend was gone from my hip. Our lack of friends allowed us to really bond through the years.
One of the highlights of the week was going bowling with Carli and to IN-N-OUT. Boy does that girl like to bowl. She is actually really good. She got a strike on the last frame. When we went to IN-N-OUT I asked her for a couple of her fries. This was our conversation:

"Oh come on Beck, this is my dinner, I can't give you one."

"Please Carli, I only want one frech fry, can't you share just one?"

"UGGG! Ok fine, how about just part of one?"

"Part of one french fry, are you kidding me, you can't just share one single french fry."

"OK, here Beck I will give you a piece of one, how's that?"
(she tears off about an eighth of a french fry and hands it to me with a major attitude.)

I thank her and tell her how nice it was for her to share with me.

She says, "I know."

So had I thought for a half a second I would have ordered my own. I forgot who I was dealing with obviously. Regardless of her inability to share, she really is so fun to be with. I love spending time with her.

The rest of the trip was spent shopping, going out to lunch and talking with my mom and sisters. It was a much needed vacation for me. It was so fun to return home to Zac. He can never get enough of me upon my arrival back, what can I say, I suppose I complete him. I love him for being so supportive of my family visits home.


Sarah said...

It was fun to see you. I feel incomplete with you gone. I guess you complete me too!!! I'm glad you made it home safe and sound.

Meggan said...

Excuse me, why was I not invited to the Warnick/Rauzon reunion? Sigh. It's okay, Beck, at least I got to see a pic of you. You look great.

Jill M said...

I meet a girl who could be your sister. ANyhow where are you living anyways?

Missy said...

Whatever, we weren't losers in high school. Maybe our freshmen year...

Fun to see you Beck. Looking forward to November or a trip out to see Lillie.

Lillie said...

I loved reading this. Were we all like that in High School? So happy to have someone to walk and eat with. And when we were lonely, trying to look perfectly confident and content alone while wondering what people thought? Or was that just me? I just liked picturing you and Missy like that because (a) you're both so dang COOL (b)I know it's not true and (c)if it were, everyone was admiring you and wishing they were cool enough to eat their snack outside the bathroom.

Jennie said...

How funny about the french fry!! What is she going to do when she becomes a Mom? I NEVER get to eat something all to myself anymore, unless the girls are asleep. Glad that you had a fun time!

Anonymous said...

I think you must have forgot about our high school memories we rememised over... ice cubes being chucked at your head everyday walking from carpool to school by Michael and Danny, Mandy turning around and with a full force run kicking them in the shin with her muscular soccer legs in defense of our Beck, and so on... need I say more.
This still makes me laugh out loud even if I'm by myself.

S.A.S. said...

I'm laughing SO hard at the Karli/Becky fry exchange. I can picture the whole thing, including tone of voice. Dying. Becks, so glad you had an amazing time! All of this West Coast California/Arizona/it's always pretty here is killing me. Have to come see you.
Really happy for Zac that you're back. Who wouldn't miss living with you? I do!