Sunday, January 24, 2010

Zac's 30 years old!

Isn't he cute?  My honey is 30.  

In some ways I can't believe it, and in other ways I can.
Some of the reasons he seems younger than 30:
1. He still is as easily amused as a five-year old.  
2. If you're ever feeling unfunny, come hang around my husband for a little while.  He'll be sure to laugh at whatever comes out of your mouth- funny or not.  
3. He is always happy and looking for new adventures.
4. He enjoys the same foods as kids, almost more than my cooking.  ie. TopRamen, cold cereal, frozen pizza, a quesadilla.  Like I said, he's easy to please.
5. Gets really giddy about opening presents and eating birthday cakes.

Some of the reasons he seems a bit older than 30: 
1. He is wiser than his years.
2. He is conservative and doesn't take risks that may jeopardize his future.
3. He communicates with others like the patience of a general authority would.
4. He wears loafers with tassels.
5. He is taking fish oil for his heart.

I love this man.  I love that he doesn't ever change to be someone he's not, no matter what age he is.  He is perfectly content with his strengths and weaknesses.  He's a breath of fresh air to me.  Happy Birthday babe!!

For his birthday we went here(below), Tandoori Times, with some friends.  It's a great Indian cuisine to those who enjoy that type of food.  We definitely do.

While we were waiting for our dinner, we had a little different appetizer than usual- a belly dancer.  She requested a dance with the birthday boy... actually his buddy did while we weren't watching.  He has a talent I never knew about.  Shake those hips baby.

Here we are enjoying our food.  I was the only one who respected the Indian culture and ate with my hands.  Totally recommend it.  It tastes so much better that way.  I'm converting now to eating all my meals with my hands.

We came back to our place after dinner for some cake and ice cream.  The guys were thoroughly enjoying watching Bear Gryles (sp).  For those of you not familiar with Zac's hero, Bear is a wilderness adventure man.  He travels the world relying on nothing but his skills to keep him alive.  I can never sit through a whole episode with Zac, so this was quite the birthday present for his friends to watch like 2 hours of it with him.  He was in heaven.  Thanks guys.

Here I am with my belly.  I am so grateful to finally have something else to blame the chronic bloating I live with day in and day out.  I am 15 1/2 weeks.  I am already showing.  I keep telling myself that's ok though, right, because I'm having twins.


Missy said...

I promise that Devin and Zac could be bff's too. I had to read it out loud to Devin. Does Zac ever quote Napolean Dynamite perchance?

You made it sound like you were completely showing. You are nothing! I think you are sticking your tummy out. Still stylish and beautiful though.

Mands Glenn said...

YOU ARE THE CUTTEST PREGO GIRL EVER! Girlfriend, I show at like 4 weeks. You should be showing! YOu are so tiny and barely even showing. Come on! Love it! Happy Birthday Zac. Im turning 30 in 2 weeks and getting really nervous. This post made me feel better about it though. Can we please hang out soon? MIss you!

Wendy said...

You look so cute! You are smaller than I was at 15 weeks and you're carrying twins!! I'm huge when I'm pregnant though. I'm starting to accept it. I hope Zac had a good birthday! Looks like you guys had fun. I can't wait for your Christmas talent show next year Zac... you better bring that belly dancing!!!

ashley said...

BECKY (and zac too) CONGRATULATIONS ON THE BABIES!!!! i am so so happy for you guys! what great news! hope your feeling better! did i mention in am excited for you????