Sunday, December 9, 2007

Broken Collar Bone

My poor niece, Christy's youngest, broke her collar bone last week. She is learning not to move it , but sometimes she forgets and shrieks in pain. I feel so bad for her. She broke it by falling down the stairs at my mom's house. She is too cute to have to go through such pain. I just thought this picture was pretty funny and so I thought I would put it on my blog.

1 comment:

S Semon said...

Hey Becky--
Love the Blog! You are way better at blogging than I am. I don't take enough pictures I guess. I loved the pictures of you and your sister. Rob's handicapped sister's favorite thing to do is go bowling too. She actually went to China with Special Olympics for Bowling and brought home a gold medal!
I am way excited for the Christmas party!