Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Bon Voyage!!

We are on our way to the beautiful state of California. We are camping in Yosemite with my family. We are pretty excited. Zac has been preparing for this trip since Christmas when he asked for a tent. Since then, he has been putting the tent up in our family room just to make sure he doesn't look like a fool in front of the other brothers-in-law. He started his time trials about a month ago and has dramatically improved his time from twelve minutes to six minutes flat. Yeah, I am pretty proud of him.
Since the tent has been taking up most of the space in our family room we have held Family Home Evening in it, watched movies in it, and laid out our sleeping bags in it just to see where we want to have our heads and out feet. We are pretty much set for this trip. I make fun of him to his face, but secretly I think it is really cute. His passion for preparation is just one of the qualities that made me fall in love with him.
We ordered "Freestone University" shirts from a stupid advertisement we received in the mail. They are pretty sweet looking. Our Accord is going to be packed full tomorrow morning with I don't even know what. Zac says, "It's better to be safe than sorry." I made sure our camera battery is fully charged, so we will be able to capture this big adventure in it's entirety. I will update when we return.


S.A.S. said...

1) I died over the mental image I had of Zac setting up the tent over and over again. He's going to impress everyone with that time, including the squirrels.

2) please oh please say you're serious about the Freestone t=shirts. and post a pic soon

3) hope your vacation was wonderfun and that you are going to tell us every detail. isn't yosemite amazing?

love you
(i think i'm ahead)

Missy said...

Devin did the same thing when we got our first tent {well, putting it up in our front room, not the timing how fast part}.

Pictures, pictures. Please post some soon. We just went there a few months ago and LOVED it. I'm sure you guys had fun.

Lillie said...

I can't wait for your return. I need a visual of this cute husband and his tent/friend. So cute. Sometimes I just things boys are the best.

I've never been to Yosemite and now wish I'd done it pre-kids because camping doesn't sound so fun with a babe. Maybe when the youngest is not so young...