Sunday, August 12, 2007


It has become tradition for me to relive my dream of becoming a member of the troop, Beverly Hills (after the movie, Troop Beverly Hills) every time I see a large log such as this one. It is usually just me doing it by myself while Zac stands there and amuses me for a few minutes while I have my fun. Luckily, this time I had a fellow movie buff with me, Sarah, my sister. We reenacted the scene where Shelly Long has to cross the deep ravine to help her troop get to the finish. Warning: It gets a little intense. For those of you who have never seen the movie, I forgive you, but please, get with the times and go watch it. They don't make them like they use to, that's for sure.

I am afraid this picture doesn't do the rainbow at Vernal Falls justice. It was so clear and bright. You can barely see it in the picture. It is to the right of my legs. The guy we asked to take the picture didn't want to stand up, so this is all we got to capture the beauty. It was a steep hike. We elevated 1,000 feet in only one mile. It felt like it was staright up the whole way.
The view and the memory was totally worth it though.

Carli and I were buddies all week long. I gave her these whistles for her birthday. I actually bought them for Zac and I to have in case of emergeny while camping, but when we arrived to the campsite Carli's first question was, "Do you have my birthday present?" That was the only thing I could come up with out of my suitcase. It was either that or bug spray. I didn't want to risk her confusing that with perfume in High School. I'm afraid she would be repelling more than just bugs. The whistles were my best bet. She loved them. I got to sit next to her on every drive while she practiced blowing her whistle. What a mistake that was. She gave me one of them so we could match. We also had matching bandanas tied around our arms. At the end of the week, Carli hosted an awards ceremony where she handed out individual awards for all 28 of us. I got the best buddy award shockingly. I was flattered to say the least.

This is my husband with my niece, Avery (Holly's youngest). I think he will be a good dad.

Guess Who? Yep, it's me. I got a tattoo. Totally kidding. I thought it would be fun to freak my parents out and tell them I got a real one from a friend at work. I told them she did it for free and I could get it laser-removed whenever I want. They didn't find it to be as funny as I did when I told them I was joking.

It's true, this is my "little" brother Justin. He absolutely loved the river. We also learned that he enjoys having pictures taken of him. I have about a dozen other poses on my camera of him. He was striking them like crazy and loving every minute of it.

This is my sister, Holly and I at the top of Lembert Dome. It was a really pretty hike and not too long.

I don't know why Zac didn't like this pose. It's not like he looks gay or anything.

These are the shirts Zac and I had made for the camping trip. They were pretty awesome.


Sarah said...

It's about time we saw some pictures of the trip! Loved all of them- especially the Troop Beverly Hills one- great action shot, Zac!

I think I might not be Carli's favorite sister anymore. I mean, how can I compete with camp whistles for her birthday gift?! No wonder she likes you so much!

Anonymous said...

I always remember Carli saying Sarah was her favorite sister. Maybe it has changed?! The whole story about the whistles had me silenting laughing (Devin's asleep next to me).

I loved all these pictures Becky! It was so fun to see them and picture you guys there. You look so cute and I love that your entire family (minus Wendy) went.

Who thought up the family t-shirts for Freestone University? You or Zac? And did every family have a t-shirt? I noticed you did get the blue bandanas, which matched perfectly with the accent color on the T's...

So fun. I'm so glad you posted. I love when you post! I can't wait for you to come to California.

S.A.S. said...

I was waiting for these goodies. What great pics Becky, it looks like an amazing trip! I love that you and Zac are so adventurous - you live on your own in the wild wild West among the cacti and romp around waterfalls looking like the golden couple. You know that all I've ever wanted from a tan is for just ONE DAY to be your color. Becky Golden Brown.. it's like you have a patent.

The whistle story killed me. Carli is so adorable and you should indeed be proud of the Best Buddy award. Congrats!

xo xo
(successful phone tag means we've got to keep this up!)

ashley said...

what a fun trip. i love that carli gave awards to each and everyone- how sweet! she is getting so big, i have not seen her for ages.
and i am cracking up at your tatoo- that is so funny. it would have been so funny to see your parents reaction!

Heather said...

Crazy Becky,

Love the pictures, your posts, and the comments you make on Sarah's blog. You better believe we'll be stopping by your parents' place around the holidays. The Warnicks will always be the family I never had...ha! I'll add you to my site once I figure out how to add links again. Say hello to your hubby. I still CANNOT believe that you are married and Wendy is a MOM. I'm feeling old all of a sudden!

Meggan said...

My favorite part was the tattoo. Don't your parents know by now what a jokester you are?

The Freestone University t-shirts look so professional! I have a feeling that was your idea.

Love the pic of Justin. And the whistles? Nice recovery. Looks like tons of fun.