Saturday, August 25, 2007

What Guys Do!

So I get home from work tonight to find Zac and his two "med school" buddies on the floor watching Budlight commercials on the internet. Am I worried? Slightly. They were laughing histarically. It is always entertaining to see what guys do for entertainment. I asked them what they had been up to. Their response: We were hungry so we went to Jack In the Box and then we walked around Cabella's for a while. Isn't it funny how different guys and girls are? Could you imagine choosing Jack In the Box for a girl's night out dinner? Sick!!

I am glad to see my husband having friends again. He has been a little bit of what we call a "loner" since we've been married. I have been one too though, so it's ok.

One thing I have to add. Zac actually told the guys he had to run a quick errand while they were watching tv. Where did he go? He went to buy me flowers and Peanut Butter M&M's. What a sweetheart. I love him.


Anonymous said...

Guys are funny - I always laugh when Devin gets together with Kevin (still) because they think up the most random things. Of course we would have to hit up Cheesecake Factory for a girls night dinner. Can we do it when you come down here??

Could Zac get any cuter? Flowers and M&M's? I love him for you.

Sarah said...

That's hilarious! Zac actually looks like he is holding a beer! I think Jon really misses his guy friends from dental school. He works with all women and therefore never gets a break from our gender. Poor guy!

S.A.S. said...

Zac wins the big prize. If he can come out of a 'guys night' with Dust and still think of things like flowers and candy for a woman.. it's a miracle.

The giggling triplets look like they're having a great time. If it relieves them of some of the pressure that's to come... let them giggle.

You're such a good wife/hostess/friend. Mis, can I join you and Bex for that girls night?

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I thought Zac was holding a beer too (root beer that is).

Meggan said...

Wait, why aren't they studying? I want my future doctor to know his stuff, please.

This weekend Joses' brother stayed with us and I found their "boyish" behavior highly obnxious. Needless to say I was ready for his bro to be out of the door.

Can I come to Cheesecake too?

Lacy said...

Peanut M&M's- one of my favorites!

Heather said...

What a sweet husband. Just keep him away from computer gaming.

We found that making new friends while in school was so much easier than it is now that we're working. Enjoy it!

ashley said...

the best husband ever to think to go get you flowers and candy while he was hangin with the boys- nice job zac!

nicole said...

Don't worry that Robby had those all downloaded to his ipod and all the boys in Montana were rolling listening to them too. Maybe we should be worried??