Thursday, October 30, 2008


This is in response to your tag Teri, except I decided to do this one instead.  I hope that's ok.

1.  I eat Cheetos with my yogurt.  Try it, it's so good.
2.  Zac and I go to Old Country Buffet every Valentine's Day.  Believe it or not, but there's never a wait and the service is so great.  (This one's for you Liz.)
3.  I can't watch movies that were either made or set in time any earlier than 1980.  BORING!!
4.  I try to dress according to whatever holiday is coming up.  ie. the picture below.  Yes, I am a tacky festive dresser.  Just wait for my Christmas wardrobe.  I usually embarrass Zac at least a few times through out the season with my reindeer necklace and jingle bell earings.
5.  I make paper chains for just about every upcoming event in my life.  I love any reason to celebrate and throw parties.
6.  These three jars of bloody fluid were drained from my stomach this past summer.  Sick, huh?
7.  I fall asleep on my right side with one leg out of the covers every single night.  

I tag:
Sarah Draper
Wendy Thomas
Christy Dayton
Try to come up with things I don't already know about you sisters.  Love ya!!


Sarah said...

You look so pretty in that picture- you have always been such a good dresser. Those jars of fluid are disgusting- I can't believe you took a picture! I think I knew most of those things about you except for the Cheetos with your yogurt!

Sarah said...

Oh, and the Old Country Buffet thing- sounds delicious!

Mands Glenn said...

I love paper chains too. Is the one you have up for THanksgiving break? I should make one of those for the nice 2 week break coming up. Loved this post!

Criscell said...

You looks so cute in that picture--but then, what else is new? Missed you at the Midwestern party last night! What were you up to?

XO said...

Hey lady - I knew something was missing from my life... I haven't seen you in forever AND I've completely forgotten that you have a blog. So... I've spent this morning laughing, crying, and catching up with what you've posted about your summer. You are one of the bravest, most positive and sincere people I've had the chance to know.

Unknown said...
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Missy said...

I'm always a little surprised when I come to your blog to see a photo of you crazy at the camera or your stomach bile or your hairy toes.

But, it makes me love you more for it.